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Articles (38)

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Services (27)

  • Tarot (Voice Notes)- Rs 1100/ $26

    Unlock the secrets of the Universe with The Hekate Guidance! Get a tarot reading done with me via voice notes for Rs 888/ $21 and gain clarity and insight into your life and its challenges. With the help of tarot, you can gain insight into what lies ahead and make more informed decisions. Let me help you find your way to the right path. Book your reading now

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Programmes (191)

  • Journal Prompts for Writers

    Stuck in a rut with writer’s block? Looking for some help starting a daily journaling habit? This is the course for you. Keeping a daily journal is a powerful habit for anyone looking to hone their writing skills and kindle a creative spark. With proponents ranging from the Stoic emperor Marcus Aurelius to modern writers such as C.S. Lewis and Ray Bradbury, journaling isn’t something to scoff at. Grab a notebook and let’s get started becoming a better writer through journaling!

  • 📓 Gratitude Journal

    This is a classic, and a good place to start. We all have something we can be thankful for. It can be simple or profound. Why are you thankful for this? How has it changed your life? Is there a way to pass along the favor or share your good fortune? Set your timer and have at it!

  • 📓Advice to Yourself

    Suppose you had the chance to give one piece of advice to yourself 5 years ago. What would you say? Do you think people can really learn from advice or do we always have to learn the hard way?

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